I was born and raised in New Jersey.
I acquired the name Bruno because both my parents were from a small town in Italy called "Serra San Bruno" named after my
mothers patron saint,Saint Bruno. I enlisted in the U.S Navy after graduating high school, where I was a Torpedoman for 4
years. I always wanted to be an actor and after first starting that journey in the 1980's, I was somewhat driven off course,for
the mere reason of needing money,and became a Union Ironworker. I decided a few years ago to get back to acting and to make
that my prority. I realized that to really make it in this business I might have to move to Los Angeles. So thanks to a very
understanding wife, we sold our house, and made the move West,and here I am. I enjoy working out, saving abandoned cats,and
writing short screenplays
From Studio Talent Group