TELEVISION "100 Centre St." Big Ray (principal) Sidney Lumet (director)
"The Sopranos" Vincent (featured) HBO Productions
"OZ" Tony (principal) HBO Productions
"One Life To Live" Kasky (U-5) ABC T.V
"Guiding Light" Lou (U-5) CBS T.V
"All My Children" Mike (U-5) ABC T.V |

"Saturday Night Live" Recurring NBC T.V
"Conan O'Brien" Skit Player (U-5) NBC T.V
"Philly" Co-Star ABC TV
"Passions" Guest Star NBC TV
THEATRE "Tell Veronica" Nicky
Vermicelli Hudson Theatre LA
"Murder at the Academy Awards" Rocco N.J. Dinner Theatre
Employed" Big Ben Harold Clurman Theater
"Bust This" Bruno Brooklyn South Productions
Esper Commercial: Steven De Angeles, TVI Studio On Camera Technique: Denny Albee Private
Coach Film Technique: Ramin Niami, NY Scene Study: Michael Beckett, HB Studios Cold Reading: Annie
Grindlay Private Coach: Margie Haber
COMMERCIAL *Conflicts exist list available
upon request.
OTHER TALENTS & /SKILLS Iron Worker, Certified Welder, Licensed Driver, Certified Personal Trainer, Bench press over 400
lbs, Stand Up Comedy, Firearms and Animal Rescue |